🏠 What is the best way to create a website for your holiday let?

And a round-up of the latest news, marketing tips and information.

👋 Welcome to the 30+ new subscribers who have joined over the last week. 🎉 I hope you enjoy our growing community and you find our newsletter and resources of value.

It feels like this week has been a week for digesting last week’s announcements, for reflecting upon where we have got to and for starting to consider what are the next steps.

Read on to find a range of news, marketing tips and inspiration for you and your holiday let business.

See you next Saturday at 5pm?


Founder, My Holiday Guide


With the news of the abolition of furnished holiday lettings tax regime still rumbling, here’s a few articles that provide some reaction from different perspectives:

  • PASC have created a petition and are asking owners to send a letter to their local MP

  • As a catch-up, TaxAssist Accounts have a brief article that summarises the changes

  • Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) has welcomed the plans to scrap tax breaks on holiday homes

  • This Is Money have written an article - “Will the Chancellor's attack on holiday lets really help renters and first-time buyers?” Their conclusion - “wait and see”!

The released data from the Office For National Statistics provides some insights into the scale of short-term stays for the period July-September 2023.

The chart below provides an overview of the 2.8 million stays by area. Click on the chart to be taken to the interactive version.

Other news

  • Airbnb have amended their policy on security cameras. Indoor cameras are completely banned, regardless of disclosure. Additionally, outdoor security cameras cannot be placed where they can view inside the home

  • Scale Events have announced the Scale Green Conference to be held on the 23rd of April. This will be the first conference dedicated to sustainability within the short-term industry

  • The Bank of England has revealed a sharp rise in mortgage arrears as interest rate hikes hit homeowners

Tips and strategies to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of your holiday let.

Are you considering creating or upgrading you property website? Is it better to have a bespoke designed website or use one of the many off-the-shelf website builders? Is creating a website though your channel manager good enough?

From a poll of over 100 existing owners the chart below shows what type of website owners currently have.

There are a large number of options and platforms available to you which can be summarised into these categories:

  1. A ‘drag and drop’ generic website builder

  2. A holiday let focussed template based website builder

  3. A site created through your channel management software

  4. A bespoke website created for you

In our article we have explained the different options available to you and the pro’s and con’s of each.

Within our resources directory we have a good number of website designers and booking solutions that you can review and assess.

Highlighting useful tools and resources for your holiday let.

Hot tubs have been around for a good while now and a number of owners have benefitted from offering these as a popular amenity for their guests.

If you are looking for a more eco-friendly option, how about a wood fired hot tub, or wooden outside sauna?

I came across Naked Flame Eco Tubs who offer a range of hot tubs and saunas.

Accountants and Tax Consultants

With the abolition of furnished holiday lettings tax regime, you may be seeking an accountant or tax advisor to gain some additional advice for your unique circumstances.

Within our resources directory we have a number of accountants and tax advisors listed that you can review and contact.

If you are considering moving your property into a Limited Company, the below guide provides a good overview of the differences as-well as the advantages and disadvantages of holding your propert(ies) within a limited company structure.

Here's a quick round up of discounts and deals we are aware of from providers to the holiday let industry.

Interior design inspiration and decor tips.

We all love looking at and getting inspiration from other properties so here’s our top pick for this edition.


GCHQ have released a visual puzzle to appeal to potential new recruits and celebrate their new Linkedin account. Can you solve it?

Missed last weeks newsletter? Here’s one thing you might like.

In last weeks newsletter we explored how some owners are utilising branded tote bags as a means of providing guests with a freebie to take away, and how they can act as a great bit of marketing for your property.

You can read the full article below:

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